Though the Raid Shadow Legends champions are primarily categorized by roles such as attack, defense, HP, and support, there are also champions like nukers, healers, and debuffers within these roles.
In this guide, let us first check out what a nuker is and who the best nukers are in Raid Shadow Legends right now!
The Raid champions I’m going to mention are going to be viable in all scenarios, be it PVP or PVE and every Raid player must have them on their account. The easiest way to get your hands on such champions is to simply check out the Raid Shadow Legends account for sale on the U7BUY store and buy it. This way, you can skip the hassle of grinding the game to unlock such champions and start having fun right away! U7BUY is the most reliable platform to purchase Raid accounts for the best prices; do check them out today.
What is a Nuker in Raid Shadow Legends?
A nuker in Raid Shadow Legends is any champion that can deal massive amounts of damage. The damage could be AOE, single target, or anything; if the champion has great damage-dealing potential, they are referred to as a nuker. These Raid champions usually lack defense and are vulnerable.
Let us now look at the best nukers in Raid Shadow Legends.
Everybody knows Kael; he is one of the best beginner-friendly champions in Raid Shadow Legends. Do not underestimate him just because he is a starter champion. If you’re a new player, this is the champion on whom you must focus if you’re learning the game.
Kael is a rare attack champion from the Dark Elves faction. If you manage to build him right, which is to build enough C.RATE on him, you will be surprised at how much damage this starter champion deals. Along with being a great nuker, Kael can also place great debuffs. He is a good choice both for PVP and PVE.
Phantom Touch is the best blessing to use on this champion and focus on getting ACC, C.RATE, C.DMG, and SPD while building him.
Sun Wukong
If you have a new account and if you’re looking for a great nuker, Sun Wukong is the perfect choice for you. You can use the promo code “MonkeyKing” to unlock this champion. If this doesn’t work, you can still summon him with shards like usual.
Raid Sun Wukong is a legendary attack champion from the Skinwalkers faction and is infamous for his ability to revive himself. He is a great nuker both in PVP and PVE and an S-Tier champion to use against Hydra and in the Doom Tower.
Phantom Touch and Crushing Rend are the recommended blessings for this champion and make sure to focus on ACC, C.RATE, C.DMG, ATK%, and SPD when building this champion.
Taras the Fierce
Taras is the best nuker in the entire game. If you notice, we started with a starter champion, then a free champion, and now a champion that almost every pro player uses in this game. As mentioned, the easiest way to get such a champion is by simply purchasing an account; make sure to consider that possibility.
Along with being the best nuker, he is also tanky, which makes it hard for the enemies to kill you so easily. You will find this champion in the majority of the PVP matches as a nuker.
If you’re lucky and manage to get this champion, Heavencast and Crushing Rend are the blessings to use on him, and focus on getting C.RATE, C.DMG, and HP stats.
This brings us to the end of our recommendations. If you liked reading the guide and are interested in knowing more about the best Raid Shadow Legends champions, check out the Raid Shadow Legends Tier List.